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Forever Friends Brad Pitt And George Clooney Sound Like They Had The Best Time Filming New Movie Wolves Together

‘Forever Friends’: Brad Pitt and George Clooney Sound Like They Had the Best Time Filming New Movie ‘Wolves’ Together

Brad Pitt and George Clooney recently sat down to talk about their new movie, ‘Wolves,’ and it’s clear that they had a blast filming it.

The two actors have been friends for years, and their chemistry is evident on-screen. In the interview, they joked around and shared funny stories about their time on set.

Pitt said that he and Clooney “had the best time” making the movie.

“We laughed every day,” he said. “It was like being back in college.”

Clooney agreed, saying that the experience was “like a summer camp for adults.”

“We just hung out and had fun,” he said. “It was the perfect way to make a movie.”

The two actors also talked about the challenges of filming an action movie. Pitt said that he had to do a lot of his own stunts, which was “terrifying.”

Clooney said that he was more concerned about getting hurt while filming the love scenes. “I’m not as young as I used to be,” he joked.

Despite the challenges, Pitt and Clooney said that they would love to work together again.

“We’re like an old married couple,” Pitt said. “We know each other so well that we can just look at each other and know what the other is thinking.”

Clooney agreed, saying that he “can’t imagine making a movie without Brad.”

‘Wolves’ is set to be released in theaters on July 12th. It’s sure to be a hit, thanks to the chemistry between Pitt and Clooney.
