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Benjamin Netanyahu Israeli Statesman And Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu: Israeli Statesman and Prime Minister

Early Life and Family Background

Benjamin Netanyahu was born on October 21, 1949, in Tel Aviv, Israel. His father, Benzion Netanyahu, was a historian and publicist born in Poland. His mother, Zila Segal Netanya, was a Jewish activist born in Poland. The family's surname was originally Mileikowsky, but Benzion Netanyahu changed it to Netanyahu after settling in Palestine.

Political Career

Netanyahu's political career began in 1988 when he was elected to the Knesset, the Israeli parliament. He served as Foreign Minister from 1990 to 1992 and Prime Minister from 1996 to 1999. He returned to the post of Prime Minister in 2009 and served until 2021, making him the longest-serving Prime Minister in Israel's history.

Major Policies and Accomplishments

Netanyahu's policies have focused on security, economic development, and strengthening Israel's international standing. He has been a strong advocate for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and has pursued peace agreements with Jordan and Egypt. Netanyahu has also overseen a period of economic growth and innovation in Israel.

Controversies and Criticism

Netanyahu's tenure has been marked by controversy and criticism. He has been accused of corruption, human rights violations, and incitement of violence. However, he remains a popular figure among many Israelis who support his policies and leadership.
