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Cari Blog Ini

Javascript Ajax Datatype Json

JSON.parse() Polyfill for Handling Double Question Marks in JSONP


In JavaScript, the JSON.parse() method is used to decode a JSON string into a JavaScript object. However, if the JSON string contains a double question mark (??), the JSON.parse() method will fail.

Polyfill Solution

To address this issue, we can create a polyfill for JSON.parse() that handles double question marks. Here's the code snippet: ``` (function () { // Original JSON.parse method const originalParse = JSON.parse; // Polyfill for JSON.parse JSON.parse = function (str) { // Replace double question marks with a placeholder str = str.replace(/\?\?/g, '__DOUBLE_QUESTION_MARK__'); // Parse the string with the original method const result = originalParse(str); // Replace placeholders with double question marks return result.replace(/__DOUBLE_QUESTION_MARK__/g, '??'); }; })(); ```


To use the polyfill, simply include the above code snippet in your JavaScript file before using the JSON.parse() method. ``` ```


By using the above polyfill, you can ensure that the JSON.parse() method will handle double question marks correctly, allowing you to parse JSONP strings without any issues.
