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Javascript Ajax Json Parsererror

AJAX ParserError: Controller Returned Non-JSON Data

Understanding the ParserError

The ParserError in AJAX requests occurs when the server's response fails to conform to the expected JSON syntax. This can happen due to various factors, such as:
  • Controller returning non-JSON data, such as a string or other object that cannot be parsed as JSON.
  • AJAX call not specifying the dataType: 'json' parameter, causing the browser to misinterpret the response.
  • Errors in the server-side code that prevent a valid JSON response from being generated.

Common Solutions

The most common fix for this issue is to add dataType: 'json' to the AJAX call, explicitly specifying that the server response is expected to be in JSON format. However, this may not always resolve the problem.

Alternative Workaround

If the dataType: 'json' fix does not work, an alternative workaround could be to use a JavaScript function to manually parse the server response as JSON. This can be done using the JSON.parse() method.
 $.ajax({   url: 'my_handler.ashx',   data: JSON.stringify(myData),   success: function(response) {     var parsedResponse = JSON.parse(response);   } }); 

Additional Tips

* Ensure that the server-side code correctly generates a valid JSON response, using the appropriate data serialization and formatting methods. * Use debugging tools, such as browser console logs, to inspect the server response and identify any potential errors. * Consider using a JSON validation tool to ensure that the server response conforms to the JSON syntax. * If the issue persists, seek assistance from experienced developers or consult relevant documentation for the specific framework or technology being used.
